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Nov 9 - Dec 31, 2023

Sol Treasures Arts and Cultural Center


Sol Treasures Awakens and nurtures appreciation and passion for the arts in people of all ages in South Monterey County and provides a home for creative and inspiring opportunities to unify the community through art and culture.

The Big Idea

Sol Treasures is committed to fostering social media empowerment among teens, youth, and young adults through the power of art. Recognizing the dual nature of social media as both enriching and potentially detrimental to mental health, Sol Treasures aims to spark discussions that benefits self-regulation and provide alternatives to excessive social media use through artistic expression. Sol Treasures promotes a healthy relationship with social media through engaging mediums such as podcasting, multi-media painting, writing, digital design, and performance art. These projects catalyze critical thinking and self-reflection by showcasing diverse perspectives and personal experiences. Their work will be exhibited in the Sol Treasures Youth-Teen Gallery, allowing young artists to celebrate their power and navigate social media's complexities, promoting dialogue among all participants. Sol Treasures provides a home for these artists to gather in a safe location to engage in artistic mediums, creating lasting habits for a successful future.

Dear Sol Treasures, growing up in your program is an experience I will always treasure. No words could properly express how much you have strengthened my passion in the arts and confidence as a person. Thank you so much for the wonder in my childhood and the push for my future. I promise I will use the scholarship and make you proud.

- Elliot Riley